A loud ringing noise interrupts a delightful dream about your gran’s famous walnut banana bread and you wonder why the hell your alarm is going off in the middle of the night, only to come to the sinking realisation that it is, in fact, morning and your holiday of 11am G&T’s, chocolate at every meal and binge watching of corny Christmas movies is officially over.
Going back to work after a few weeks of nonstop beach-going, afternoon naps and sundowners at every hour is hard for everyone, even if you love your job. So how do you deal with your post-leave hangover and go back to your 9 to 5 reality of meal-prepped lunches, sitting in traffic and you know, concentrating on work stuff?
Start by getting an early night before your first day and making a delicious, healthy breakfast to look forward to waking up for. Then, on your way to the office, try setting a (manageable) personal goal like stretching every day or drinking more water. Giving yourself doable tasks will help motivate you to take on more significant challenges.
Lastly, there’s nothing more inspiring than some new office accessories, and when it comes to business items, Jekyll and Hide are the best in the business. Choose from the genuine leather brand’s wide range of laptop and iPad covers, briefcases and backpacks, each of which boasts a bespoke design that will make you want to go back to work just so you can show them off.
Check out the Jekyll and Hide website to pick out your perfect office companion and remember that everyone is in the same, back-to-work blues boat and it won’t be long until you’ve adjusted back into your routine and started planning your next holiday.